This is isn't so much of a review but a very unhappy account of a dining experience. So my friends and I were there at 2pm, most of the lunch crowd is gone and the restaurant was half empty. We ordered our food; honey chicken with rice, coconut prawn with rice, another chicken dish, fried eggs and I ordered the crispy szechuan noodles. On the order receipt our order was taken at 2:10pm.
Our drinks came a few minutes later. The chicken dish came 15mins after the order. The coconut prawn 5 mins later (2:30pm). The honey chicken came 2:45pm and its only during this time the waitress who took our order came back to check with us which order is missing! She panics and ran to the kitchen and I finally got my food at 3pm! And the fried egg came just about 5mins close to an hour when she took the order down!
So I ask you, wouldn't you be pissed off if your order took 50mins to get to you?! A simple fried eggs took almost an hour!? Especially when you see the restaurant is not full! I think WyWy has been known about how slow and bad their service is. I have been to a couple of their branches and never once did I ever enjoyed it. I remember one time I was seated for more than 5 mins before someone came to me to give the menu and take my order! Food is nothing to rave about, I dislike how there is so much items on the menu too, what is the use when your service is just lousy?
Above is the food I ordered. Doesn't look appealing and especially doesn't taste nice when you've been waiting 50mins for it, 'nuhun nafsu' as we Bruneians say or simply put appetite gone. So if any of you who are affiliated to the WyWy outlets, please pass the this message, "Shape Up! Your service is just horrendous. Please give your staff proper training and ensure orders doesn't take more than 15mins to reach to the customer. I see all your branches have a big kitchen, do you only have once chef/cook to run it?"
Your waitress should constantly check the table she took the order from. Don't just take the order, walk away and then came back half an hour later to check on it! Maybe some people can tolerate it but I can't. I guess it goes without saying I will never set foot in any of your dining outlets anymore.
I bet I'm not the only one with this bad experience. I'm sure you readers have encountered it too.
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You are here: Home > complaint > WyWy Chicken Rice (Kuala Belait)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
WyWy Chicken Rice (Kuala Belait)
Posted by
Brunei Foodies
12:12 PM

bad service,
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Comments added via the 'Add my own option' by visitors to this blog;
- I only went to WyWy once and I think they are unreasonably over priced for a normal restaurant. Service sucked like hell. A little smile would have been better.
-I think they hv been victimised by someone who has some grudge against them!
-To close the matter for once and for all, we need another independent lab test to reconfirm.
They do take very long time to cook their food. I guess KB-ians biasa already.
Even taking orders took quite a long time to get hold of the waitress, even if its not even half full.
well if that is their "style", they should print it out in bold letters on their menu or a sign at the entrance, at least people would know what to expect of their service no?
don't understand the fascination with the restaurant.
guess thats why its called WHY WHY.
I see you have no intention to defame the restaurant but more to remind that restaurants has duty upon clients they served and to live up to their good name.
The other cafe that comes to mind is Fluer de Lys in Kiarong. Although I love the food there, but I can't understand the mentality of the Filipino staff constantly 'texting' on their phones rather than being attentive to the customers. I am now giving that place a miss!
Hi Joy,
That is correct. My intention is not to defame but instead give positive recommendations and reminder on maybe how an establishment might be able to improve their service. That is what this blog is all about, we are not trying to bring shame to any eateries but more like point out what they could do to make it better.
As for Fluer de Lys, it has been ages since I went to the Kiarong branch, I'm a regular at the Kiulap branch and I have never caught the staffs texting while they were suppose on the job. I hope such unpleasant behavior will come to be known to their management somehow.
I heard from someone that she saw the water of a dirty table cloth dripped into a chili sauce container while a waiteress was cleaning the table!! could you imagine wat the table cloth had went thru after cleaning multiple tables??
If you pay penuts, you get monkeys. Thats just is service you will get as standard for Brunei. We should be immune to it. I don't see why is there need to complain to such small matter. Sure, the place looks like standard cafe in paris. Unless you travel alot then of course you would notice the comparison.
So be it,let the so unfortunate bruneian to learn n taste what is it like to be in foreign country. Thanks flur d lys for bringing paris to brunei.
I just hope they improve more on the desserts, cos its so pretentious and soooo economical indegredients. I know cos i travel alot n of course ive tried better. for brunei Sake.. It's acceptable.
stil i dont need to complain. :)
Haha...I reli feel glad dt happen to dt restaurant...Dey do have a bad service..doe it surprise me bcoz dey hev so many waitress & waiters bt i duno why is dz happen. Bt m glad f d halal dept kud shut down all d rest branches including in Tutong. D rest luk beautiful n dey hev so many menu to serve ppl bt f dey working slow and d food is not good (i noe cz i taste it..d lambchop taste hangus bh)and d svc my God took almost 30 mins come right to our table..i duno f blkg atu bru drg mnampi padi x but for sho it reli turn me off. PLUS d waiter sighed loudly in front of us wen we cancelled our order and chnged wf new one. Ohyeah dt hapen b4 d order came to us..tkna bini2 lawa snyum2 ia cjuling ah. Cna hati pelanggan bla kna buat catu. I dun kmplen dey bhavior cz i noe nnt drg ludah mknan tani. Tym ani iaaaaaa...e ggtn ku nh!!Udh pn mahal mknan g cemeh. WTF!
Just came across this blog of yours and I so do agree with you! I go to YY KB and sometimes even when the place is pretty empty of customers, it takes ages to get them to offer the menu, and I've even had the unfortunate experience of having to wait nearly 45 minutes for my food! Sometimes it is even when I am on my lunchbreak which is an hour long, not four hours!! So waiting that long for food is just irritating.
Also some other things I'd like to mention is that they always play crap songs TOO loud. What else is annoying? The way the waitresses always push and pull those wooden chairs - can't they lift the darn things up to move them? The amount of noise it produces - it rings in my brain! But I guess controlling noise level is not an issue at the restaurant - who else has experienced the sharp noises of them pouring hundreds of spoons and forks into a basin or whatever it is? It is SO loud!! You would think that they could at least try and do that somewhere in the back of the kitchen where it doesn't annoy and disturb the customers. There is no sense of comfort and customer care at the restaurant. I wish Brunei would have more of the better standard restaurants - adequate spaces between tables, not trying to squeeze the maximum number of tables in a cramped area. Less noise, better service, good food, good prices. *sigh*
Hahaha..they've always been like this. Slow service! Already known for it..even the waiter in wywy tutong ever sighed loudly when i try to order another food. That's so rude don't you think?
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